Jan 19, 2010

Speaking in the Butterfly Effect

*, originally uploaded by lilion (J.Meszoly Beatrix).
'All change, all production and generation are effected through the word'...and bear affects throughout the world. Be aware then, of the world at large in which you live, and know that you too contribute to the creation of what is seen as well as what is possible.

Leopold Senghor Maroon Mashup

Image 2: Violet by Harwell

Jan 14, 2010

Trust Your Divinity's Intentions

Si se Bondye Ki voye. Li pey fre ou.

If it is God who sends you, she'll pay your expenses.

What appears impossible is only waiting for your faith to ignite its realization in being. When it's the divine who has called you to your task Trust that the Divine will help you see that task through. No matter how bleak the everyday of it appears, no matter how unlikely the end goals may seem, Trust the Divine's call and have Faith that what is needed will be given in kind.

Haitian Proverb avec Maroon Remix

Image 1: Raoul Mathieu Untitled
Image 2: Haiti Arts Cooperative Spirit Flag

Jan 8, 2010

Bursting Wild Joy

"All things can be used even anger" so "Grab the broom of anger and drive off the beast of fear," because Joy demands your brave and wildly vibrant attention.

Audre Lore/Zora Neale Hurston/ Maroon remix

Image 1: Litang Monastery China by Kevin Kelly
Image 2: Pigments at market in India

Jan 5, 2010

Exuberant Choices

Georgia, originally uploaded by judy stalus.

Everyday is a field of paths, of directions beckoning, of succulent calls toward the unknown. Choose your actions as if they will bind you to forever. Yet live through your actions knowing they are but momentary steps toward the transformative, for our paths to peace are infinite and transcendent.


Artwork 2: Fork in The Road by Patrick Smith